Once you learn to cycle, you never forget - so they say. And that’s absolutely true. Pedalling is a skill for life.

I began cycling as a very young child. I had a bicycle I used on holiday. But when I grew up I preferred the scooter or the car for my daily commute.

But it turns out that I’m completely out of touch these days… Cycling is now a lifestyle, so much more than a way of getting from A to B. And its followers are a growing, enthusiastic, sometimes over- enthusiastic crowd.
While the Design Museum in London is currently holding an exhibition on the ‘Cycling Revolution’, we decided to dedicate this issue to the two-wheel trend.

Do not expect reviews of the latest models or anything like that. We have decided to take it in a different direction: softer, deeper and with a cultural slant. You can read, the story of the Mayor who decided to pay people who cycle to work, or the Q&A with the director of the movie about the late champion Marco Pantani; you can learn how a robot may be able to solve the problem of bicycle theft. Or maybe you’ll enjoy the silent revolution (on two wheels) of Ai Weiwei. Do you fancy cycling around Italy? You can do it in company of an Olympic athlete. And if you want to visit Venice by bike, beware: bikes are only allowed in museums where they can be found hanging on a wall.

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