The start-up that checks you in a five-star hotel (at the price of a hostel)

Sara Brunelli and the team of Bid to Trip
Sara Brunelli and the team of Bid to Trip

The concierge that carries the luggage upstairs, the ladies sipping a glass of wine in the restaurant, the pampering spa: that’s life in a five-star hotel. And if you have never dreamed to spend a luxury weekend living the high life, you are lying. There is a ‘but’, though: the sky-rocketing price that can put off many.

Sara Brunelli, a 34-year-old Italian woman, passionate about tourism and design, always dreamed of being able to afford such a luxury, even though her budget was not for it. She founded the startup Bid To Trip, of which she is CEO, that allows you to bid a luxury holiday starting from few pennies.

With Bid To Trip you choose the destination that inspires you most. As soon as you join the auction, you decide how much you are willing to pay. Then you buy the travel points and make a bid. If you are the winner, you will immediately get the voucher for your journey at very convenient price.

We met Sara who told us why she chose London to expand her business.

Why did you decide to move to London?
I started to work on the project in May 2014 with the other two founders, Chiara and Augusto. We were promoting it mainly on the Italian market. We then moved to London in September 2015  because here we could achieve a wider visibility and help our business to grow faster.

You started from scratch. Has London given you more professional chances?
Yes. London is a city that offers thousands of possibilities if you are good at catching them on time. It’s very competitive, but if you work hard you are going to succeed.

It is often said that Italy does not give any chance to young people and they have to emigrate to build their career.  Which are the differences you noticed between Italy and the UK?
London nurtures the start-ups and help them grow, while in Italy investment is an issue. That makes more difficult for a start-up to develop.

How important is it to believe in a project?
I’d say 100%. When you start a new project, you must believe in your idea, as well as in yourself. I can count on an excellent team, but it’s my determination that leads me to reach my goals.

Which are your greatest fears and which the most brilliant result you’ve achieved so far?
I’m not really afraid of anything, as I usually see everything as an opportunity. The most brilliant success is having reached this point with Bid to Trip.

Where do you see yourself in five years time?
I would like to see Bid to Trip as one of the main players in the travel sector.

What does Italy mean for you?
Italy is a gorgeous place, with good food and amazing people, a great combination if you want a good life. But professionally it’s difficult to make your dreams come true.





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