Filomena Campus and her secret London


Internationally renowned and award winning  jazz vocalist, lyricist, theatre director and university lecturer,  Filomena Campus has been living in London since 2001. Here she shares with us her favourites places in the city.

What’s your favourite place to have a coffee and have a good start of the day?
Absolutely at home. I cannot speak to anybody before having my coffee. Two double espressos later I can get in touch with the world. If I really have to go out I’ll choose Hampsted Theatre’s bar or I’ll have a coffee at Swiss Cottage Farmers’ Market. There you can find also delicious Portuguese pasteis de nata that are perfect for breakfast.

Which is your favourite museum?
Tate Modern: I love contemporary art and the location is perfect. It is a place that always inspires my musical and theatre projects. In the past I visited it many times with my students from University. They had chosen a work displayed there as starting point for their theatre projects or performance art works.
Which is your favourite place for stroll?
Primrose Hill, on the northern side of Regent’s Park.
Which is your favourite building in London?
Despite the cement, I love the Southbank area, Royal Festival Hall and National Theatre, especially with the new colours, the lighting in the evening and the reflection on the river. I also like very much the Shard, both the interior and the external structure.
What is your favourite shop?
I adore The Italian Bookshop. I get relaxed when I go to the boutiques in Hampstead or Muswell Hill, especially Planet Organic since I am vegetarian and Charli for clothing.
What would you do if you were the mayor of London?
I would give more space to culture and art. I would help artists that more and more have to live in the suburbs because excessive living costs and I also would make theatre and live music more affordable to young people.
Where you have your ideal meal?
The Greek restaurant Limonia at Primrose Hill.
Which is the place in London that more than others makes you feel Italian?
I live in London because I have always had a cosmopolitan soul. That’s why actually I don’t look for places that make me feel more Italian. I am Italian as I am from Sardinia, Londoner, from Berlin (in the past), and absolutely European.
Your secret place in London is…
The Crypt, St. Giles Church, Camberwell Church Street, a unique place full of good vibes, young people and good music.
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